πŸ”₯ new feature on the rise πŸ”₯
one of our most wanted features is now in the works πŸ₯³

What is it❓
it will check the configuration of your emulators for known issues and improvements and fixes them on the fly (if u want to)

How does it work? πŸ‘·
the configs will be checked within emuBro, when adding an emulator and when starting a game

supported config locations 🏝️
there are several ways an application can store config data:

  • in a config file inside the applications directory
  • in a config file outside the applications directory (appdata, programdata, userprofile,…)
  • in the registry (windows only)

this will also be available as a standalone tool (not java) so u can use it also outside of the emuBro launcher

things that the emuBro launcher can currently do for u when running a game with epsxe:
πŸ”₯ setting “CPU Overclocking” to “x1”
πŸ”₯ Overriding High DPI Scaling
πŸ”₯ checking for real bios file and “HLE Bios” option
πŸ”₯ checking “render to pbuffer” option in video plugins (core and petes opengl2)
πŸ”₯ download petes opengl2 plugin, unzip it into the epsxe plugins folder, setting it as video plugin and doing initial config (also checking for fullscreen resolution)
πŸ”₯ checking for “no sound” and Eternal SPU plugin
πŸ”₯ prob other things alr I forgot to mention
(this is not commited to github yet)

hey rainer that’s nice but what the hell are u even talking about?
long story short, u can completely mess up your epsxe config and emuBro will fix it for u so u don’t have to care about anything anymore anytime emuBro!

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